Ok, so I've been getting request, after request to see where it is I'm working away, and dreaming up the next big thing. I was thrilled to have my good friend Annette Biggers, of TripleCord Photography take pictures of my place..
The "big" room! Basically living room/dining room. It's got a modern - art deco feel about it.
My meeting/dining table!
I love art, this picture is hanging on the side wall by my balcony door.
Hallway of my favorite books, leading to my bedroom.
My bedroom in vintage - glam style!
Oh yes, the bathroom too!
This is the kitchen..
... and the hallway across..
and I just had to hang something up I created from my collage days as an art major..
I just love my guest powder room, it has a relaxing vibe about it, very "laguna beach". My favorite things are the mellow yelllow walls and my Jaysun McMillin picture on the wall.
Here's one last look at what you see when you enter my place!